If you said they are the same building you are correct.
Same office space though?
Not quite.
What is different? If you said windows then you got it.

Voltage Advertising has a new view three floors up in the same building with windows and a balcony. The new Voltage office space change can be best seen with the picture on the right.
This change has happened within the last few weeks. The crew has been making the office space their own with new gray paint on the interior, sheets of metal, and a red bolt. The plan is to create a large metal Voltage sign on the outside wall that will make viewers see the building and decide that the entire building is Voltage Advertising. The hope is that future conversation by a stander-by will be, "right next to the Voltage building..."

Having windows has to be better than working in a basement. This new view from the top is encouraging I'm sure. New perspectives, high hopes, fantastic dreams. Everyone agree? To be cliche, Voltage Advertising is moving up in the world.